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M/S.Two-Yuan Sheet.One-Yuan Souvenir Sheet            【字体:
M/S.Two-Yuan Sheet.One-Yuan Souvenir Sheet
作者:北京古今公司    税票来源:古今    点击数:264    更新时间:2005-4-27




Face Value:    REM 168.80

Size: 182mm x 130mm


Two-Yuan Sheet

Two-Yuan Sheet

Name of the HutongYandaixie Street

DistrictXicheng (the west city) District of Beijing

Subject to HighlightOld shops

Element to PortraitDaogua Meizi (lintel of portico with a special style)

Face Value:    REM 8.00

Size: 182mm x 130mm

One-Yuan Souvenir Sheet

One-Yuan Souvenir Sheet

Name of the HutongMao’er Hutong

DistrictDongcheng (the east city) District of Beijing

Subject to HighlightGuangliang men at the old residence of Wenyu

Element to PortraitShang ma shi (mounting stone)

Face Value:    REM 1.00

Size: 130mm x 86mm

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  • The Landscape of Hutongs [303]

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  • The Elements of Hutong [329]

  • The Layout of Hutongs [517]

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